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Toiles Dessinées

Book building in Detroit HST 130x97

Brooklyn HST 130x97

Detroit HST 130x97

Detroit downtown HST 130x97

Detroit downtown from Book building HST 130x97

Empty street in Detroit HST 130x97

Front of a building in Brooklyn HST 130x97

Hopital St Luc a Manhattan HST 130x97

Kiosque du Thabor HST 130x97

La Mairie de Rennes HST 130X97

La Piscine St Georges HST 130x97

La Place du Champ Jacque HST 130x97

La Poste HST 130x97

Manhattan from Brooklyn bridge HST 130x97

Place du Parlement HST 130x97

Self portrait in the city 130x97

St Enogat HST 130x97 Fevrier 2009

Toile dessinnee en situation (1)

Toile dessinnee en situation (2)

Toile dessinnee en situation (3)

Toile dessinnee en situation