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view moreكسارة ببكرات: يتم استخدامها لعمليات التكسير الدقيقة حيث يتم استخدام الضغط لتكسير المواد وبنسبة تخفيض 2 إلى 2.5 إلى 1. كسارة المطرقة: تضمن هذه الكسارة عمليات تكسير دقيقة وبسرعة عالية.
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view moreGet power and versatility with long boom and three arm options for extended reach and depth. Ideally suited for large general construction projects or deep underground utility work, this …
view moreContribute to ziyouzhiyz/ar development by creating an account on GitHub.
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view moreKomatsu has redefined industry standards with this new excavator. It not only combines great performance with excellent comfort, but also ensures that work can be performed safely, …
view moreProperties. The mobile impact crusher MOBIREX MR 130i EVO2 can be deployed universally as an all-rounder and produces first-class final grain quality.
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view moretest versatility. The PC1250LC-11 has the versatility to work on high volume earthmoving jobs with a short arm, or on large utility or pipeline jobs with a m. sized excavators. It includes a …
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view more1250-11 Maximised Efficiency Shockless boom control The PC1250-11 features a shockless valve (double-check slow return valve) that automatically reduces the amount of vibration …
view moreKomatsu has redefined industry standards with this new excavator. It not only combines great performance with excellent comfort, but also ensures that work can be performed safely, …
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